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에코훈의 메아리

Newsletters that can help your work and life

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • We introduce 6 newsletters that contain useful information from various fields such as IT, stocks, real estate, and marketing, and explain the characteristics and recommended targets of each newsletter.
  • We introduce newsletters for each field, such as Ilbuntok, Dubureter, Newnik, Marketinking, and Carrot, and explain the characteristics and advantages of each newsletter in detail.
  • We provide information about each newsletter along with a subscription link to help readers get the information they need.

I became interested in various fields such as IT, tech, stocks, real estate, and marketing. While some of these interests were forced upon me, I have been paying close attention to them because I believe they are essential for life. For example, in the past, I didn't even know what 'stock' meant, but now I have a stock account, and it's still recording losses. And I'm keeping an eye out for stocks with growth potential.

The same goes for real estate and marketing. In the case of marketing, I had to join a company that sells marketing solutions to gain industry knowledge. While browsing various websites, I found a place that offered newsletters and immediately subscribed. I still read it regularly and gain valuable information.

Today, I'd like to introduce the newsletters I'm reading. It might feel like spam filling your inbox, but it's incredibly useful. I already don't watch the news, so having newsletters summarizing it every morning in my inbox is incredibly convenient. It even organizes real estate terms I'm unfamiliar with, saving me the time I'd spend searching. Newsletters, they're truly great.

Ilbuntok - A Newsletter Providing Tech Information (

Recently, NVIDIA is reaching record highs in stock price due to the spread of AI. Apple released Vision Pro, and Tesla continues to pursue its Mars project. This newsletter summarizes these major news stories as well as other happenings in the tech industry.

While you can also get tech stock information, I just use it as a reference. I work in the IT industry and plan to continue my career in IT, so I'm trying to access as much industry information as possible. It's crucial to keep an eye on emerging technologies like cloud and AI, which are shaping the future. By observing which companies are delivering what messages, and which companies are seeing increased revenue and stock prices, we can adjust our target companies and gain insights into which technologies to focus on.

If you're curious about leading tech companies like Microsoft, Google, Tesla, Apple, and Meta, I recommend subscribing to this newsletter.

Dubureter - A Newsletter Providing Real Estate Information (

As I'm married, I desperately need a place to live for a long time. My wife and I continuously deposit money into our housing lottery accounts, but getting a lottery is like finding a needle in a haystack. In this situation, I was wondering what choices I had, what LTV is, and what the heck DSR is. This was my situation before. But through Dubureter, I've been able to gain a lot of information about real estate terms and the current situation.

There's no insider information on which area will be developed. This newsletter doesn't reveal such information. It provides information about government announcements, real estate issues in specific areas, or areas with unsold properties. Consider it a newsletter that delivers impartial information on real estate.

It explains real estate lotteries, terms, policies, and more, making it easy to understand even for those completely unfamiliar with real estate. Highly recommended for real estate beginners.

Newneek - A Newsletter Providing World News (

I'm a modern-day office worker who misses the news due to YouTube, OTT, and overtime work. Watching the news is boring anyway. I'm already busy living my life and having fun, so why watch the news? You might think it's only for adults, but the truth is, young people need to watch the news too. However, if you find yourself lacking the time to keep up with the news, Newneek can help solve that problem.

Newneek selects a few of the hottest issues from the previous day and delivers them to my inbox in the morning. It summarizes what issues there were, what the content is, and why conflicts arose. You can receive it every day, except weekends, so you can stay up-to-date with world issues.

If you need to catch up on news, but also want to have fun and relax, it might not be enough, but I recommend Newneek. Still, I hope you'll take an interest in the world.

Marketing Thinking - A Newsletter Providing Marketing Industry Information (

Marketing Thinking is a newsletter sent by OpenAzz, a platform that provides content for marketers. Many marketers use it, and it's full of marketing-related information. OpenAzz curates valuable content, selecting 5 informative articles for readers.

'Gimyo Han', who publishes valuable articles related to marketing, also contributes to OpenAzz. You can access 'Gimyo Han''s articles through OpenAzz. Additionally, various marketing agencies like Daeknaeil and Wipick also upload content. Insider, where I work, used to publish content there too.

If you're interested in marketing, and want to access useful industry news and insights, I recommend subscribing now.

Caret - A Newsletter Providing the Latest Trends (

I'm part of the MZ generation, but I still can't understand their mindset. Especially the culture of teenagers these days is even harder to grasp. I might catch up with some slang and trends, but they quickly change to something new. We were like that in our teens too. You'll find it difficult to keep up with current trends as well. What slang is popular, what content are they watching? With Caret, you can at least keep up somewhat.

Caret is a service operated by 'Daeknaeil', which is popular among college students. Since they provide services specifically for college students, they have to be sensitive to trends. That's why you can truly learn the trends here. I discovered the 'Slick Back Challenge' through Caret, and I learned about 'Masggoolma' (a new word coined by Lee Yongju from 'Pisikschool' meaning delicious in Busan dialect). It can get overwhelming, but it's also fun.

I can picture you thinking, "I already don't watch the news, and now I have to keep up with MZ trends too?". But if you need to target the MZ generation, I recommend Caret.

In a way, this could be a newsletter that I should keep to myself. But because we all want to eat well and live well, I wanted to share the newsletters I read. I added links so you can subscribe to each newsletter. Don't worry, this isn't an advertisement at all. In fact, I'd love to receive advertising fees from them. If you'd like to share the newsletters you subscribe to, I'd appreciate it.

Echo Hun
에코훈의 메아리
외국계 기업, 멘토, 크리스찬, 커리어, 축구 콘텐츠 블로거입니다
Echo Hun
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