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에코훈의 메아리

Taking it Easy

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The author shares their experience of being able to hit the ball further than before by practicing relaxing their grip in golf, which they recently started playing again.
  • The author argues that, like in golf, excessive force in the workplace can actually decrease work efficiency and lead to stress and burnout.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of pacing oneself through appropriate rest, as excessive tension can have adverse effects.

Ecohun's driver shot

I recently picked up my golf clubs again. I hadn't been to the driving range for a few months due to various small inconveniences, but I was able to maintain my previous skills thanks to my athletic ability.

I hadn't played golf in a while, so I went in with the mindset of letting go of my strength, but to my surprise, I was hitting the ball much better and farther than when I was actively playing golf! I was amazed to see myself hitting 205m with my driver, when I couldn't even hit 200m before.

The secret was simply letting go of my strength. In the past, I would always try to hit the ball as far as possible by putting all my strength into it. I've heard many people say that golf is about letting go of your strength and using your hips, so I went into this round with that mindset. And it worked! The ball was flying straight and true.

At work, too, if you exert too much effort, you are bound to mess things up. If you try to be perfect all the time, you will eventually experience burnout. You might even get angry seeing colleagues who put in less effort, leading to conflicts. You may even become more tense and unable to perform to your full potential.

And if you put in all this effort and the result is not good, for example, if you spent a lot of time and effort creating a proposal but didn't win the bid, you will feel stressed and frustrated.

It would be great if we could quantify how much effort is "just right," but... we can all feel how much effort we are putting in.

When you run for a long time, you can feel if you're overpacing yourself. If you feel like you are overpacing yourself at work, you need to take a break. Just like in racing, if things get too hot, you need to pull into the pit lane to fix your car; maybe we should take a break in our own personal "pit lane" as well?

Echo Hun
에코훈의 메아리
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